Customer Centric Business and What it Means to Us.
Category:TrendsCustomer-centric is a way of doing business that provides a positive customer experience before and after the sale. It is important for businesses to organize around providing complete solutions. Specifically, solutions to needs not just wants of our customers. With the intention of acting proactively, businesses create a win-win situation.
Time to change focus
In today’s world of social media and instant reviews, your business cannot afford to sit idle in an antiquated business model. Customers have a louder voice than ever and several platforms from which to demonstrate their dissatisfaction. This isn’t just a concern for your customer service department, but should echo through out the company. Every employee deals with a customer in one way or another. The reviews and recommendations can make or break a company.
The focus of the business needs to be on the customer, not just products or services. The need to understand the customer’s point of view from the inside-out is important. With this approach, customers will be a part of the solution.
For example, Best Buy has been known for this change in focus saving its business several times. Nick Egelanian, president of retail development consultants SiteWorks International told RetailDive, “By intensely focusing on consumer expectations both in store and online, the company found its footing and today is the unquestioned leader in its category.”*
In other words, Best Buy knows its customers needs and proactively changes business models to meet them. Resulting in the longevity of the company.
Solve the issues
Customer satisfaction is only part of the equation, solving issues is key. For us, it isn’t just about software that serves a purpose. It is about helping our customers work efficiently. Solving the issues that slow them down.
For this reason, we have a strategic approach to problem-solving. We partner with our customers to co-create a business plan that fits their needs. As a result, we can ensure the long-term customer experience is optimized.
Customer centricity is the cornerstone of what we do. It comes down to good people, doing good business.
* From RetailDive Dec 2017 article – How Best Buy is winning against all odds